2009年1月11日 星期日

[文]Al Gore - I believe in you

I believe in you. Each of you individually. And all of you here as a
group. The cynics say you are motivated principally by greed and that
ultimately you will care for nothing other than yourselves. But the cynics
are wrong. You care about each other, you cherish freedom, you treasure
justice, you seek truth.

And finally, I believe in America. Cynics will say we have lost our
way, that the American century is at its end. But the cynics are wrong.
America is still the model to which the world aspires. Almost everywhere in
the world the values that the United States has proclaimed, defended, and
tried to live are now rising.

In the end, we face a fundamental choice: cynicism or faith. Each
equally capable of taking root in our souls and shaping our lives as self-
fulfilling prophecies. We must open our hearts to one another and build on
all the vast and creative possibilities of America. This is a task for a
confident people which is what we have been throughout our history and what we
still are now in our deepest character.

I believe in our future.

  我信任你們,這裡的每一個人,無論是個人還是作為一個整體。憤世嫉俗者稱,你們主要被貪欲所驅使,最終你們除了自己以外對什麼都會漠不關心。但他們錯了。 你們相互關心,你們珍惜自由,你們崇尚公正,你們追求真理。

  然而最終,我信任美國。憤世嫉俗者會說,我們迷失了自己的方向,美國時代已一去不複返。但他們 又錯了。美國仍是世界所矚目的典範,幾乎世界的每一個角落,美國所聲稱、捍衛的和生存著的價值觀都在為越來越多的人所接受。

  最終我們將面臨一項重要的抉擇 ︰犬儒主義還是信仰,二者都能在我們的靈魂中扎根,並像一個自我預言的實現一樣來塑造我們的生活。我相信我們必須對他人開啟我們的心靈,並倚賴於美國的巨大的富於創造力的可能性。這是一項賦予一個自信的民族的使命,並已體現下美國的歷史當中,也深植於我國民眾的特性之中。
