2008年11月22日 星期六

[詞]NOFX - Wolves in Wolves' Clothing

We are Rome, Aztec Mexico, Easter Island paradigm
We are followers of Jimmy Jones1, cutting in the kool-aid2 line

We are Animal Farm Pigs, we are a Terry Gilliam film
We are fear Oligarchy, we are wolves in wolves' clothing, we are this planet's kidney stones

In the process of getting passed, metamorphosis from first to last
A system breaking down beyond repairs
A product of three million millionaires and 100 million easy marks

We are Marie Antoinette3, we are Joseph McCarthy4
We've finally become the divided states
A nation built on freedoms, fears, and hates, the denotation of Irony

We all want a hollywood end, but we're getting a foreign one
The script has already been penned, and titled, "the epitaph of a drowning nation

1.人民聖殿教The People's Temple
美國邪教組織,由吉姆·瓊斯創立於1965年,全名為"人民聖殿基督徒(信徒)教會"。瓊斯 自喻為"天啟"、"神示"的"彌塞亞"(基督教中對救世主的稱呼)。他說自己就是耶穌基督,還說:"我早已生活在這個世界上。我來到世上是為了一種特殊的用處,追隨我的你們是我的選民。你們中的大多數人在我化身之前就跟隨我了。我在幾千年前化身為佛,後來,我短期化身為巴布,即為建立巴哈信仰的人。我曾經 在世上生為耶穌基督,我最後一次化身為俄國的弗拉基米爾·列寧。"他還編造出許多"奇蹟",自稱是在"另一個星球上出生的,像超人一樣,所以具有神力"; 他的信徒相信他有"照相機一般的記憶力";他"在狹窄而車輛擁擠的山路上,能奇蹟般地把車超過去。開會的時候,他會從帽子裡變出一隻兔子來"。他的信徒們後來回憶說:"他只要告訴我們《聖經》是怎麼樣的一堆廢話,然後再搞一套可怕的連《聖經》裡也不敢寫上的神蹟,這樣人們就會完全聽他的話了。"瓊斯通過各 種形式來為自己製造神秘的光環,有了這種神聖光環,也就吸引了不少的崇拜者。在人民聖殿教派中,瓊斯受到信徒們的狂熱崇拜和信仰。 1978年,瓊斯率信徒轉移到南美洲圭亞那叢林定居,建立"瓊斯城",追隨者甚眾。美國會議員列奧·賴恩帶人前去調查,並試圖解救其中一些人,遭到該組織成員的伏擊,賴恩等五人被槍殺。圭亞那地方軍警隨即派人圍剿。瓊斯自知罪責難逃,於11月18日下令所有追隨者集體自盡,900多名成員喝下摻有氰化物的 葡萄糖飲料集體自殺。
[from a kid's sugar-enriched drink in fruity flavors] When someone who should know better succumbs to marketing influences and actually begins to believe the propaganda being dished out by a vendor, they are said to have drunk the Kool-Aid. Usually the decortication process is slow and almost unnoticeable until one day the victim emerges as a True Believer and begins spreading the faith himself. The term originates in the suicide of 914 followers of Jim Jones's People's Temple cult in Guyana in 1978 (there are also resonances with Ken Kesey's Electric Kool-Aid Acid Tests from the 1960s). What the Jonestown victims actually drank was cyanide-laced Flavor-Aid, a cheap knockoff, rather than Kool-Aid itself. There is a FAQ on this topic.This has live variants. When a suit is blithering on about their latest technology and how it will save the world, that's ‘pouring Kool-Aid’. When the suit does not violate the laws of physics, doesn't make impossible claims, and in fact says something reasonable and believable, that's pouring good Kool-Aid, usually used in the sentence “He pours good Kool-Aid, doesn't he?” This connotes that the speaker might be about to drink same.
3.Marie Antoinette
4.Joseph McCarthy
約瑟夫-雷蒙德-麥卡錫(Joseph Raymond McCarthy,1908年11月14日- 1957年5月2日),美國共和黨參議員,在1947年-1957年代表威斯康星州(Wisconsin)任職參議院。從1950年開始,麥卡錫成為挑戰 共產黨對美國政府的滲透的最出名的公眾人物。他指控有大量共產主義者、蘇聯間諜和同情蘇聯的人,在聯邦政府內部從事削弱美國的陰謀活動。這一指控被包括解 密的Venona文件(Venona files)在內的政府文件和聽證會證明是正確的。最終,在共產黨在內的麥卡錫的對手的有效運作下,他在參議院內受到非難。 “麥卡錫主義” (McCarthyism)這個名詞,在1950年特指暴露共產主義者的努力,後來很快被用到類似的教義性行為。